AccuStandard | Petroleum Physical Property Standards

Petroleum Physical
Property Standards


Exciting Additions to our ISO 17034:2016 Accredited Product Lines

AccuStandard is one of the few companies in the world to offer Physical Standards for ASTM Methods that are accredited to ISO 17034.

ISO 17034 accreditation goes above and beyond ISO 17025 and ISO 9001 requirements, and demonstrates that a Reference Material Producer is able to follow the strict guidelines for producing, certifying, labeling and reporting uncertainty for their products. It includes requirements for verifying stability and homogeneity for the products that are included in this accreditation. AccuStandard is excited to announce that we have added many new items to our 17034:2016 scope

Physical Property Standards for ASTM Methods

Distillation – ASTM D86

  1. Group 1,2 - Synthetic Distillation Standard
  2. Group 4 - Distillation Standard
  3. Group 4 - Distillation Standard
  4. ASTM D86 High Range Check Standard
    Varied Conc. by w/w%
    5 comps.
  5. ASTM D86 High Range Check Standard
    Varied Conc. by w/w%
    5 comps.
  6. ASTM D86 Low Range Check Standard
    Varied Conc. by w/w%
    8 comps.
  7. ASTM D86 Low Range Check Standard
    Varies Conc. by w/w%
    8 comps.

Flash Point– ASTM D56, D92 & D93

  1. PMCC D-93 - Flash Point (60 - 63 °C)
  2. PMCC D-93 - Flash Point (93 - 96 °C)
  3. COC D-92 - Flash Point (200 - 204 °C)
  4. COC D-92 - Flash Point (230 - 235 °C)
  5. PMCC D-93 - Flash Point (65- 70 °C)
  6. PMCC D-93 - Flash Point (135 - 140 °C)
  7. COC D-92 - Flash Point (138 - 140 °C)
  8. TCC D-56 - Flash Point (67 - 70 °C)
  9. Flash Point for B100 (134 - 137 °C)
  10. Flash Point for B5 (60 - 63 °C)
  11. Flash Point (65 - 70 °C)

Viscosity – ASTM D445

  1. Viscosity @ 40 ºC (4 cSt)
  2. Viscosity @ 40 ºC (7 cSt)
  3. Viscosity @ 40 ºC (19 cSt)
  4. Viscosity @ 40 °C (400 cSt)
  5. Viscosity: 65 cSt @40 °C, 9 cSt @100 °C
  6. Viscosity: 180 cSt @40 °C, 16 cSt @100 °C

Freezing Point – ASTM D1015, D2386, D5972

  1. Freezing Point (-50 to -52 °C)
  2. Freezing Point (-45 to -47 °C)

Cloud Point – ASTM D2500, D5771, D5772, & D5773

  1. Cloud Point (3 - 5 °C)
  2. Cloud Point (-2 to -4 °C)
  3. Cloud Point (-10 to -12 °C)
  4. Cloud Point (-15 to -17 °C)
  5. Cloud Point (-20 to -22 °C)
  6. Cloud Point
    Biodiesel 100
  7. Cloud Point
    Biodiesel 20
  8. Cloud Point
    Biodiesel 5

Pour Point – ASTM D97

  1. Pour Point (-50 to -52 °C)
  2. Pour Point (-25 to -27 °C)
  3. Pour Point (-5 to -7 °C)
  4. Pour Point (-15 to -17 °C)
  5. Pour Point (-40 to -42 °C)

Water in Petroleum Products - Karl Fischer – ASTM D1744, E1064, D4377, D4928, & D6304

  1. Biofuel KF Water Content
    60 µg/g in Anisole
  2. Biofuel KF Water Content
    1000 µg/g in Anisole
  3. Biofuel KF Water Content
    100 µg/g in Anisole
  4. Biofuel KF Water Content
    5000 µg/g in Anisole
  5. KF Water Content
    60 µg/g in Anisole
  6. KF Water Content
    1000 µg/g in Anisole
  7. KF Water Content
    1000 µg/g in Anisole
  8. KF Water Content
    1000 µg/g in Anisole
  9. KF Water Content
    100 µg/g in Anisole
  10. KF Water Content
    100 µg/g in Anisole
  11. KF Water Content
    100 µg/g in Anisole
  12. KF Water Content
    5000 µg/g in Anisole:Isopropanol (90:10)
  13. KF Water Content
    5000 µg/g in Anisole:Isopropanol (90:10)
  14. KF Water Content
    5000 µg/g in Anisole:Isopropanol (90:10)

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